I’m the health nut, whose health collapsed
I have been fascinated by nutrition and human health for over a decade. I suffered with minor health issues, on and off, and was an athlete for many years, so investigating and enhancing my own nutrition seemed a wise investment of time. After years of pursuing a deeper knowledge, and even gaining a Master’s degree in nutrition, I made only small progress with my own health. Let’s just say I didn’t feel particularly well-rewarded for all my rigorous intellectual efforts! I experimented with all sorts of different diets and novel methods to enhance health and, ironically enough, my own health ended up failing – in quite spectacular fashion!
I increasingly found that both my energy and my ability to recover from exercise were suffering. I also developed what was at first just minor skin irritation and issues, but which later developed into severe and debilitating acne. I experienced regular periods of dizziness and faintness too, which were pretty worrying – and all this while training and competing as a pretty serious athlete! Over time things became so bad that I was forced to withdraw from normal life and spend all my time trying to get well. Unfortunately however, things only got worse and worse. I felt helpless and desperate.
Experiencing a complete collapse in my health, although hellish at times, was something of a blessing in disguise because it forced me to question everything I thought I knew and dig deeper than ever before into the world of human health and natural healing.
After many of hundreds of hours of research, unending trial and error with myriad different diets and healing protocols, and tens of thousands of pounds spent on every functional test and supplement under the sun, I finally managed to achieve complete freedom from my chronic health problems, and pretty rapidly too. These included; debilitating chronic fatigue; severe face, body, and scalp acne and inflammation; weight loss; major gut problems; significant pancreas and liver damage; and the all but complete collapse of my mental health. The sense of freedom I felt was truly wonderful. I thanked God for the healing I was able to experience and vowed to share my knowledge with others, so that they too could benefit from the wisdom I had gained.
12 months after making a full recovery, I was achieving new personal bests in the gym and felt healthier and happier than in all my adult life.
To some, the recovery I experienced must have seemed somewhat miraculous, especially in light of how many symptoms seemed to simply disappear – simultaneously! What this reinforced to me is that is when the body heals, everything heals. If something disturbs the normal functioning of the body significantly enough, and for long enough, then things break down and symptom after symptom will appear. If this isn’t corrected we can find ourselves living well below our potential, or worse – barely hanging on to life (in my case it went from the former to the latter). So how did I manage it? How do we heal ourselves? The answer is this…
By restoring healthy function to the various systems of the body, using
Teaching people how to safely and effectively use these approaches is what I do. With the right guidance, you can transform how you feel and look by nourishing and detoxifying your body. It took a brutal personal experience, and gaining a deep understanding of how the human body works, to finally bring about the healing I so desperately needed. It is this understanding that I want to give to you, so that you too can achieve health freedom, and live your life you were meant to live. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. I can save you thousands of hours of research, a ton of cash, and a whole load of bother.
I did the hard work so you don’t have to!